Friday, July 1, 2011

Summer 2011/Week Two

Another week of Summer shows is finished. June is in the can, so to speak (meaning it's over). Yesterday was an interesting day. I had two shows in Fredericksburg, VA which went really well. Then I drove over to a car dealership and told the dealer I'd buy a car if they could get me OUT in an hour. Amazing how fast folks work with a little motivation, lol.

All jokes aside, the salesman and dealership were fantastic and my new car (see above) is fantastic. The $100 gas every time I filled up was killing me with my Van, so for the time being I'm going with a vehicle with better gas mileage. It's going to put a slight crimp into the size of the show I can travel with. Though very slight. I'll need to rent a vehicle for the big show, though in all honesty, that has pretty much been the case for a while anyone. Some of my illusions are too big even for my old Van.

In regards to Summer, a big change is about to take place next week. I'll either be doing Show A or Show B on the tour, no mixture of material any longer. It's too much to go into, but the material in Show A was designed for one show and one particular audience, as was Show B. They were not designed to be interchangeable, so there will no longer be a 'C' show that mixes material. In the long run it helps me keep track of things.

I expect the two shows to look drastically different in a few days, which will be good all the way around. Plus, more original creations going into show B!