Friday, January 31, 2014

The New Steampunk Show Continues to Take Shape

I can't recall if I've mentioned this show on this particular blog. But for some time now I've been developing a Steampunk Magic Show. But more than a magic show. The desire is to actually create a magic play of sorts. In the mean time we are working out material, testing costumes and enjoying the process.

I've presented a lot of the material already but it always can be improved. And there is nothing like a video of the show to put it all in perspective. Our most recent performance garnered a standing ovation. But it was not without some holes.......these known only to us. One of the things that became apparent from watching the video was 'scale'. Many of the early performances were more platform based performances or small audience performances. But if you put this material in front of a large group, several hundred+ then it becomes apparent that the scale is a little small.

Thankfully, that is an easy fix and we've already begun to alter the material for much larger audiences.

The next issue is converting some existing material over to steampunk. My philosophy is 'why re-invent the wheel?'  So I'm taking routines from my Artist of Mystery Show and putting it into the new steampunk show. An interesting thing has happened when I did that. The material for Artist of Mystery began to grow. In other words, I began to discover and create new material for that show. So basically, we have TWO really wild shows to offer.

One of the shows this week was actually a dual show. Meaning, we did Artist of Mystery in the first half and Steampunk in the second half. It was quite strong. But now, it leads me to some new ideas, new ways to further develop this program. By the way, if you are interested in checking out the show you can go to

Saturday, January 4, 2014

No More Goal Setting Continued

My previous post I mentioned I was not goal setting anymore. I used to make a new goal list every year. This year, I am NOT doing that. Mainly because I already have last years list. So the headline was used more to get you to LOOK at my article. I am not making a new list, but I can make adjustments to the old where needed.

One thing I did, was remake the covers to my Goals Book. I wasn't going to do it, but I still wanted the book to feel fresh, even if I wasn't going to be remaking the entire thing. You might notice there is a tag line at the bottom of the book. I do this for my own amusement, and this years is 'The Time Travel Year'. It has more to do with my emphasis on a new show than anything.

My goals are divided up into three sections: Career Goals, Personal Goals and Crazy Goals. The Career Goals are pretty obvious I think. Anything related to work is put under career goals, whether it's doing more shows per year, moving into new markets, anything like that. Personal Goals are things like weight loss, reading more, becoming debt free, that sort of thing. Finally, for me are the CRAZY Goals which are basically things that are more long term goals but not necessarily things that have to be done this year. Though I must admit, having looked over the list of CRAZY Goals, it's now time to move some of those things into other categories and get them accomplished.

One VERY IMPORTANT thing to do at the end of the year, if you are a regular goal setter like me, is to make a list of all the things you accomplished. I seriously have a LOT of goals and I know it will be impossible to get all of them done in a year. But I can look over the list and see how many I did get done and how many I'm close to wrapping up. It helps me to stay motivated and is an extra charge of energy for the new year! One thing I did not realize, I had actually been keeping the 'Accomplished' list for the past several years in the back of my goals book. Imagine my surprise to see how many more things were done than I realized!

So there you go. Probably the last tip I'll give you on goals. I don't like to reveal too much as it's often times lost on people. IF you are truly serious about goals and goal achievement then you'll understand everything I've said and be moving forward on your goals. If you have never set goals, there is no time like the present. Best of luck to you all!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 No More Goal Setting!!!

That's right, for the first time in ten years, I'm no longer going to start the year out with a 'new' list of goals. For the past ten years, I would begin in December, and sometimes sooner, to create a list of goals for the coming year. I would put these in a special book, specifically devoted to goal setting. But many of the same goals simply got moved into the next year. Something was wrong with this whole idea....

Actually, I was close to figuring it out last year. I also think I made more progress last year than any year in the past. I usually do knock a few goals off the list. But I have SO MANY, that it's staggering. Instead, this year, I'm simply adding -14 to the 2013 book. So it will be 2013-14. No need to waste paper. BUT that isn't all I'm doing.

What I did in 2013 and will continue to do this year is create more of a map, or plan for the attainment of the goals. Rather than simply 'list' them. By creating a plan of action or course of action, I think I can do more to knock out major goals.

I would encourage everyone to write down your goals for the year. If you only have two or three goals, then you don't have to follow my system. Two or three are easy to go after. 30 goals, well that's another thing entirely, and thus the reason for creating the action plan to move forward on them.

Please, do not think of goals as New Year's resolutions. No one keeps New Years Resolutions! Goals are entirely different and meant for the entire year, not just one day or one week. There are many fine books on Goal Setting and perhaps one of the first things you should do this year, if you've never worked on a goals list before is to pick up a copy of a book on Goal Setting. Go to look up goal setting. Take your pick from the list. Personally, one of my favorite books, not just on goal setting but on success in general is called and 'The Success Principles' by Jack Canfield. I have personally give out over 20 copies of the books to friends, that's how important the book is to me. I even own the audio version of the book. It's fantastic. Check it out on Amazon, I think you'll be very glad you did. Next time I write, I'll let you know the progress on this 'action plan'.