Saturday, January 4, 2014

No More Goal Setting Continued

My previous post I mentioned I was not goal setting anymore. I used to make a new goal list every year. This year, I am NOT doing that. Mainly because I already have last years list. So the headline was used more to get you to LOOK at my article. I am not making a new list, but I can make adjustments to the old where needed.

One thing I did, was remake the covers to my Goals Book. I wasn't going to do it, but I still wanted the book to feel fresh, even if I wasn't going to be remaking the entire thing. You might notice there is a tag line at the bottom of the book. I do this for my own amusement, and this years is 'The Time Travel Year'. It has more to do with my emphasis on a new show than anything.

My goals are divided up into three sections: Career Goals, Personal Goals and Crazy Goals. The Career Goals are pretty obvious I think. Anything related to work is put under career goals, whether it's doing more shows per year, moving into new markets, anything like that. Personal Goals are things like weight loss, reading more, becoming debt free, that sort of thing. Finally, for me are the CRAZY Goals which are basically things that are more long term goals but not necessarily things that have to be done this year. Though I must admit, having looked over the list of CRAZY Goals, it's now time to move some of those things into other categories and get them accomplished.

One VERY IMPORTANT thing to do at the end of the year, if you are a regular goal setter like me, is to make a list of all the things you accomplished. I seriously have a LOT of goals and I know it will be impossible to get all of them done in a year. But I can look over the list and see how many I did get done and how many I'm close to wrapping up. It helps me to stay motivated and is an extra charge of energy for the new year! One thing I did not realize, I had actually been keeping the 'Accomplished' list for the past several years in the back of my goals book. Imagine my surprise to see how many more things were done than I realized!

So there you go. Probably the last tip I'll give you on goals. I don't like to reveal too much as it's often times lost on people. IF you are truly serious about goals and goal achievement then you'll understand everything I've said and be moving forward on your goals. If you have never set goals, there is no time like the present. Best of luck to you all!

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