Thursday, September 20, 2012

Painting Non-Magic

As much as I love magic and painting things magic related, every now and then I paint something that doesn't have anything to do with magicians. This piece of artwork was actually a test for another painting that I have planned. I had never painted butterflies and the next painting was going to feature butterflies, so I wanted to knock this one out first just to see what it would be like.

Next up is a rare water color painting I did for my Mom. It was a painting 15 years in the making. I say that because I had started it 15 years ago, and only painted a few of the leaves and a tiny bit of the flowers. Then one day I came upon the painting and decided it finish it. I actually had to go out and purchase water color paints as I had none. But the finished piece turned out nicely and it hangs on the wall at my parents house.

Now we have one of my favorite paintings. This is my old office manager and lead assistant. Her painting is different from anything I have done before or since and I was quite happy with the final result. It's painted in acrylics and is actually kind of large. I gave it to her as a gift.

The last painting is kind of weird. I was very intrigued with Tony Curtis and his style of painting. I wanted to try and understand how he painted so I tried to adopt his style in order to get a better understanding of his work. As simple as the image might look, it was very hard to paint! Oh and this painting also spent years in an unfinished state. I was never happy with it so I set it aside and then one day decided to add some minor things to it and finally considered it done.

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