Friday, August 29, 2014

The 2014 Summer Tour is Complete!

I finished my Summer Tour this morning with 3 back to back performances. I had plans to come home and celebrate by going to a new restaurant for lunch and then going to the movies! But a sinus headache overtook me and instead I was in bed at 1:30pm and only just started feeling better a short time ago.

Each Summer, I finish with at least one new routine that I call 'a keeper'. That means I like the routine so much it goes into my permanent repertiore. This year, the Big Fish routine is definately a keeper. It's strictly for younger audiences, but it plays so well. It is a story based routine, and I actually wrote it up for the KIDAbra Journal, so you can read about it there if you are a member of KIDabra International. Another routine that is a keeper is called The Magic Hat, which is one of the few dealer items I have and I basically came up with my own way of doing it, which is another way of saying I never bothered to read the instructions, lol.

The routines from the Steampunk Magician Show that will be keepers are: The Stand-up/ComeBack Coins, The Time Machine, Magnetized Cards, Marco's Find The Lady, and the Snake Automaton. Hmm, that's most of the show, lol. The other routines that I used were already keepers. Well, actually, two routines got cut. The Mustache routine which was a take off on a Rune Klan idea was scratched early on because it wasn't getting a very strong response. The Sword Through Neck also got scratched due to technical difficulties and never made it back in the show.

Believe it or not, there was material that never made it into the show. The World's First iPad routine, never made it into the show. I expect that to really be strong, but I just never had the right spot to put it in. Also the Shoeshine Box routine never made it in the show either, which was a disappointment. Magnetized Cards almost missed getting in the show, I added it the last week of the tour. I've done that routine before but not in this kind of setting. I was very pleased with the reaction to the magic in Magnetized Cards.

So 8 new keepers out of the shows this summer. I think that might be some kind of record for me. Work now takes a shift in a different direction. Hope you all have a safe Labor Day Weekend and please, please, please be careful, cautious, and aware during Sept 11th this year. There are some really sick people out there and it's become painfully obvious we cannot rely upon the Fed Govt to keep us safe. So watch out for yourselves and your families and report any strange behavior to the local authorities. 

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