Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Underground Magic Theatre/Upstairs

Back in 2002 two friends and I built a magic theatre. It was a small thing, 50 theater style seats, with a make-shift museum that you had to walk through to get to the theatre area. It was very cool and very popular. We called it the Underground Magic Theatre and it was the first, before all the other magic undergrounds and the like. The reason we called it that was simple, we were actually underneath a shopping center so the title fit really well.

One of the last things I did before we closed it down was video tape one of the evening shows. I turned this tape into a DVD called 'The Best of The Underground Magic Theatre' and I typically offer it for sale after my theatre shows. It's a little dated now, the DVD menus have improved since I did that DVD, the music in the show is also a bit dated at this time. But it's a fine record of what went on in that little theatre.

Now I have to share with you the 'Above Ground' part of the story. My niece who is 5 has a copy of the DVD.  To my surprise this is one of the DVDs she watches over and over and over again. She can recite all the patter from the show and the jokes, lol. Well last week my parents were out visiting my brother and his wife and their daughter. My niece decides she is going to put on a 'little show' for them and proceeds to get out her Hannah Montana microphone, and she gets the special showbiz theatre lights set up that my Dad built for her, and she puts on a show. Apparently during the introduction for her show she said that it was going to be 'In the Underground Magic Theatre Above Ground!' LOL!!!! That is hysterical to me. Too too funny. I only wish I had seen the show she did because apparently she sang some songs, did some skits and made a bunch of jokes that were rather humorous from what I hear.

I guess the UMT (as I call it) is living on afterall.

*Just found out she actually said "Underground Theatre-Upstairs" but it has the same meaning.

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