Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2011 New Year

I don't usually make resolutions for the new year. What I do instead is set goals. But I think this year will be a little different in that I'm setting goals AND making a new years resolutions. My resolution is to stick to my goals better, lol. I know that sounds like a joke but it isn't. Because I write everything down, it's easy to track when I did well and when I got off course.

For those of you who need some motivation or help getting your goals in order, I'd like to suggest a book for you. The book is called "The Success Principles" by Jack Canfield. This book covers more than just goals, it also covers methods of motivation, reasons why we don't do things, suggestions on improvement and many other things. I love the way it discusses the various topics because it gives examples of other people who have done the same things we do and how they overcame them. Or often it tells how others used the principles and succeeded.

Jack Canfield is one of the authors of the highly popular Chicken Soup for the Soul books. It's not one of those books that you read once and then put it on your shelf. My suggestion is reading it and then going back and actively doing the things it suggests. Don't be afraid to mark it up, write in the blank spaces, use a highlighter on it. My copy is all marked up, it has book marks everywhere in a dozen or so different chapters. I find when I am continuously reading the book it really helps me stay on track.

The Success Principles is available through

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